My Compositions

NOTE: This music is horribly outdated. Please ignore most of it as I know little as far as composition is concerned (more so then than now, though. :)).

I do most my work with Noteworthy Composer, and I've started using ModPlug Tracker.


None yet... I'm working on one though. The title: "A Split in the Path".


This is for those people who have crappy soundcards but time to spare downloading (or have cable modems)! I'll tell you the approximate file size if space is a concern for you. I'll also let you know how large the original file was, just so you can see how wonderful MP3s are! Don't worry, the smaller size is the Actual download size.

Original file size (wav: 16-bit, PCM, 44.1 kHz, stereo):32.2 MB (33,849,274 bytes!!)
MP3 size (128 kilobit/sec [16 Bytes/sec], stereo): 2.92 MB (3,070,326 bytes)
(August 22, 1999)
A new composition of mine, "Evening in the Starlight". If I ever get someone willing to sing the lyrics (I need a soprano!), I'll put a new one up with vocals! (I keep getting disconnected uploading, so it may be a few days...)


"Evening in the Starlight" (8/22/99)
All I can say is... I love it. ^_^ Take a listen.

"The Gentle Sigh of the Wind" (2/19/99)
I like this piece. :) I've actually started lyrics on this one. I'm making a version for an entire chorus or choir. It's gonna rock.

"Coeur Ouvert". Version 0.2 (11/24/98)
"Coeur Ouvert," French for "Open Heart." By the version number you can tell that I'm nowhere near finished this piece. Next I'll be adding lyrics...

"Coeur Ouvert"--Piano Only. Version 0.5 (11/25/98)
The Piano-only version. I'm done the first part, on to the second!

"Coeur Ouvert"--Strings Only. Version 0.2 (11/24/98)
Yet another incarnation of "Coeur Ouvert." This one will be closer to the original because the Strings can cover the vocal parts.:)

This one is definitely going to be a character theme... I'll need a character to fit it first, though.


"Mysterious Wanderer".(6/17/98)
Harp, flute, clarinet, and celesta building up at the beginning. Piccolo deviates from the others.

"Mysterious Wanderer".Version 2 (7/24/98)

"Mysterious Wanderer".Version 3 (7/24/98)

"Mysterious Wanderer".Version 4 (10/22/98)

"Theme of Sorrow".(6/9/98)
Not really a fitting name in my opinion. Done with only two sounds, Strings and "Choir Ah", It's confusing and has a bunch of gaps.

"Theme of Sorrow" Version 2.(6/10/98)
An addition of the flute to back the strings, some bells (they fill the gaps nicely in my opinion), and a harp (it's very quiet).

"Theme of Sorrow" Version 3.(6/10/98)
Added an organ. Great effect with the bass ahs around a minute into the piece (IMHO).

"Theme of Sorrow" Version 4.(6/17/98)
A few minor changes.

"Theme of Sorrow" Version 5.(10/22/98)
A few more changes.

Yet another pathetic attempt at naming one of my pieces... Oh well. A cello and a harp to start with and a string ensemble towards the middle. A slow piece.

"Sadness" Version 2.(6/11/98)
A french horn and trumpet added to fill in the gaps.

(6/9/98)A piece I have tentatively titled "Wings of Time". I still need to do a little touching up in a few areas, but this is basically it.

"Wings of Time" Version 2.(6/17/98)
More complex Guitar work.

(6/9/98)A piece I haven't named yet, and I've still got a bit of work to do... click here.

Previously Last Updated: Tuesday, August 24, 1999.

Currently Last Updated: Tuesday, December 12, 2001. (Thanks Nick).

All of the above music is copyright 1998-1999 by Dustin Walter. Meaning... Don't use any of it without asking me first and giving me credit. ^_^